Let's Connect
Ages / Placement
Class Placement - dancers under the age of 11 must get approval from the teacher to ensure the best experience for ALL the dancers enrolled.
Being approved for one advanced class does not blanket the approvals, classes must be approved separately.
Skills required auditioning for advance classes based in technique are:

Double Turn
Switch Leap
A Le Second Turns x4

Back Walk Over
Passe Balance on Releve (8 counts)
Split Toe Touch (Russian)
Auditions can be scheduled at the front desk.
Ages / Placement
Monthly Pricing:
1 Class Weekly: $60​
2 Classes Weekly: $110
3 Classes Weekly: $155
4 Classes Weekly: $185
5 Classes Weekly: $230
Unlimited Classes: $250
Class Placement - dancers under the age of 11 must get approval from the teacher to ensure the best experience for ALL the dancers enrolled.
Being approved for one advanced class does not blanket the approvals, classes must be approved separately.
Skills required auditioning for advance classes based in technique are: